Share Your Talents with the World

If you are a folk musician interested in joining the Ministry of Folk community, please complete the form below. We’ll review your application and get back to you!

If you’re an industry professional, you can submit an application here.


Here’s what you can participate in as a Ministry of Folk artist:

Advertise yourself as an artist and industry professional on our website: If you’d like to be listed as a Ministry of Folk Artist, you will have your own page on our website with information about you, contact details, and links to where listeners can find your music or anything else you’d like to share. We also have a directory for those of you who have expertise besides music, such as photography or recording, where people can contact you for those services. Check out the full directory here

Serenadagrams: Ministry of Folk artists are invited to participate in Serenadagrams, which are short musical messages sent that MoF patrons can send to their loved ones. Ministry of Folk will help advertise and facilitate orders and emailing the messages, and so far it’s been a fun and inspiring income-generator for Valentine's Day, Mother’s Day, and Father’s Day.

Collaborate with other artists: Ministry of Folk provides opportunities to collaborate with other artists who may live far away or who you haven’t met before. For our birthday party in April 2021, we paired up participating artists to make collaborative videos, which was really inspiring for everyone involved and we plan to do more of that.

Workshops and retreats: We have also hosted two music camps, one online camp (Wintery Weekend) in which 35 Ministry of Folk musicians taught and performed, and one in person (Ministry of Folk Outdoors), which was exclusively for Ministry of Folk artists to play music and build community. More of these are on the horizon!

Shoutouts and Promo: Have an album to promote, new merch available, or something else we can spread the word about? We will promote albums, Spotify pages, music on Bandcamp, concerts, merch, and more on our social media accounts and in our monthly newsletter. 

Coming soon, Subject Matter Experts: As another avenue for Ministry of Folk artist collaboration, we are building out a platform where artists who need help with something not music-related can get help from another Ministry of Folk artist who has expertise in that skill. If this sounds like something you are interested in, let us know! Also, we are hoping to host workshops in which artists can share skills, so if you have ideas we are all ears.

Website and Blog: You’ll have a page on our website where you can point students and/or listeners. You can also find information about camps and retreats, workshops, other Ministry of Folk artists and the skills they offer, and you can visit our blog for useful information and tips. If you’d like to contribute to the blog, let us know!

Here’s what you can bring to Ministry of Folk:

Ministry of Folk is strongest as a community. The more we support each other and raise each other up, the stronger we all become. Communicate with us about how we can support you by letting us know when you have new content to promote. Let us know if you have ideas for workshops or collaborations. If you are part of a concert or workshop, or participating in Serenadagrams, it helps so much if you share and promote these events among your fans. We do promotion, too, but it’s much more effective when everyone participates.

Thank you!

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If you are an Artist currently in the directory and would like to be removed, please complete the form.