Irish (virtual) Session with Matt & Shannon Heaton

September 22, 2020
Medford, MA

Set list:

  1. WARM UP JIG: Old Favorite (G)

  2. REELS: Ashplant (E Min), London Lasses (G), Otter’s Holt (B Min)

  3. HORNPIPES: Poll Halfpenny (A Min), Boys of Bluehill (D)

  4. SLIP JIGS: Red Molly (G), Redican’s Mother aka Ryan’s (D), Fig for a Kiss (E Min)

  5. BARNDANCE & SloPo(l)ka: Bill Malley’s (G), Ger the Rigger (A)

  6. REELS: Swinging on a Gate (G), Cooley’s (E Min), Wise Maid (D)

  7. JIGS: Lilting Banshee (A Min) , Irishman’s Heart to the Ladies (A), The Killavil (E Min)

  8. POLKAS: Weaver’s Delight (D), Ballydesmond #1 aka Tom Billy’s (A Min), Tripping to the Well (G)

  9. REELS: Maids of Mitchellstown (D Min), Killarney Boys of Pleasure (E Min), Devanney’s Goat (D)

  10. JIGS: Will You Come Home with Me (G), Rose in the Heather (D), Thrush in the Straw aka Humours of Lisheen (G)

  11. WALTZ: Si Beag Si Mor (D)


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